Studio License FAQ


What is studio-licensing?

You can use a "studio licensed" digital download with all of your students. The license is owned only by the teacher who bought it. The license may not be shared with any  other teachers in the same studio or different studios.

Why isn’t the milestone method available as a single-use download?

It is a solution to restrictive and outdated copyright laws, and it is the most cost-effective option for teachers using the method with more than one student. PDFs are easily shareable and meant to be shared. With a studio license, each book pays for itself after using it with just two students. The Milestone Method is primarily designed for teachers and doesn't do much good in the hands of untrained individual users. Single-use licenses are almost always abused, and it's not ideal to force teachers to buy multiple copies of a book when they could instead pay once and use it for a lifetime. Extensive guidance and previews of the first few songs are available at the blog.

Can I pass the cost of purchasing a Milestone Method studio license on to my students?

Yes, and you should! A studio licensed purchase of the Milestone Method will pay for itself over and over again. Some ways to do this are:

  • set a "materials fee" for each student per month/term/year
  • charge per piece/book printed
  • or you can simply include access to the books as part of the lesson fee that you charge.

How do I keep all of this digital music organized?

Be as simple or as elaborate as you'd like! Some favorites include:

  • Print the music, put it into transparent sheet protectors and organize it into a binder. This will preserve the music for a lifetime!
  • Send the music off to a print store to be printed
  • Organize your music with a digital service like Google Drive and access it from a tablet.

Can I send studio-licensed music to my students electronically?

Yes, as long as they are your students. You may not send studio-licensed music or single-use license to any other teachers or students of another teacher.

Can I print studio-licensed music?

Yes, as many times as you'd like! Just don't share the printed or digital music with any other teachers or students (besides your own).
